Critical Studies

"Innokentii Annenskii po semeinym vospominaniiam i rukopisnym materialam", by Valentin Krivich, Al'manakb literaturnaiamysl', 3 (1925), 2.08-55.


Studies in the Life and Work of lnnokentij Annenskij, by Vsevolod Setchkarev, The Hague, Mouton, 1963.


La Poesia de Innokentij Annenskij, by E. Bazzarelli, Milan, Mursia, "Civilta letteraria del Novecento", sez. russa i, 1965.


"Metricheskii repertuar I. Annenskogo (Materialy k metricheskomu spravochniku)", by lu.M. Lotman, Uchenye zapiski Tartuskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 385 (1975), 122-47.


I.F. Annenskijs poetische Reflexionen, by Barbara Conrad, Munich, Fink, 1976.


“Annenskij and Mallarme: A Case of Subtext", by David Borker, Slavic and East European Journal, zi (1977) 546-55.


"0 sostave sbornika Innokentiia Annenskogo Kiparisovii larets", by Roman Timenchik, Voprosy literatury, 8 (1978), 307-16.


"Intrinsic and Extrinsic Aspects of Structure in Annenskij's 'Verbnaja nedelja'", by David Borker, Slavic and East European Journal, 23 (1979), 491-504.


"Innokentii Annenskii v neizdannykh vospominaniakh", edited by A.V. Lavrov and Roman Timenchik, Pamiatniki kul'tury. Novye otkrytiia. Pis'mennost'. Iskusstvo. Arkheologiia. Ezhegodnik 1981, Leningrad, 1983, 61-146.


Innokentii Annenskii: licbnost' i tvorcbestvo, by A. Fedorov, Leningrad, 1984.


"Bacchic Revels: Annensky's Famira-kifared and the Satyrs", by Catriona Kelly, Essays in Poetics, 10/2 (1985), 76-93.


"Iunosheskaia avtobiografiia Innokentiia Annenskogo", by A.V. Orlov, Russkaia literatura, 2 (1985), 169-75.


"Poeziia I. Annenskogo v chitatel'skoi srede I9io-x gg.", by Roman Timenchik, Uchenye zapiski Tartuskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 680 (1985), 101-16.


Innokentij Annenskij and the Acmeist Doctrine, by Janet G. Tucker, Columbus, Ohio, Slavica, 1986.


"’Zagadochnoe budnichnoe slovo' I. Annenskogo: Arkhaizmy i gallitsizmy", by Anna Ljunggren, in Text and Context: Essays to Honour N.A. Nilsson, Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1987,76-85.


Akhmatova i Annenskii: Zametki k teme, by A.E. Anikin, Preprints, vols 1-7, Novosibirsk, 1988-90.


"The Poetic Universe and Thematic Unity of Innokentij Annenskij's Trefoils' in the Earliest and Final Variants", by Marina Tarlinskaja, International Journal of Slavic

Linguistics and Poetics, 38 (1988-95), 119-41.


"Classical Tragedy and the 'Slavonic Rennaissance': The Plays of Vjaceslav Ivanov and Innokentij Annenskij Compared", by Catriona Kelly, Slavic and East European journal, 33 (1989), 2-3 5-54.


"Kiparisovyi larets i ego avtor", by N.A. Bogomolov, in Kiparisovii larets, by I.F.  Annenskii, Moscow, 1990, 10-50.


"Skvoznye motivy liriki I. Annenskogo", by M.V. Trostnikov, Izvestiia Akademiia Nauk SSSR, Seriia literatury i iazyka, 50 (1991), 328-37.


Pushkinskaia traditsiia v russkoi poezii pervoi poloviny XX veka: Ot Annenskogo do Pasternaka, by V.V. Musatov, Moscow, 1992.


"Annensky's 'Trefoil in the Park' (Witness to Whiteness)", by Nancy Pollack, in A Sense of Place: Tsarskoe Selo and Its Poets, edited by Lev Loseff and Barry Scherr, Columbus, Ohio, Slavica, 1993, 171-90.


"'Classical' and 'Tsarskoe Selo' in the Works of Annensky: Some Observations in Regard to Acmeism", by A.E. Anikin, in A Sense of Place: Tsarskoe Selo and Its Poets, edited by Lev Loseff and Barry Scherr, Columbus, Ohio, Slavica, 1993, 191-214.


"Gumilev, Annensky and Tsarskoe Selo: Gumilev's 'Tsarskosel'skii krug idei'", by Michael Basker, in A Sense of Place: Tsarskoe Selo and Its Poets, edited by Lev Loseff and Barry Scherr, Columbus, Ohio, Slavica, 1993, 215-41.


Humaniorum studiorum cultores: Die Grakophilie in der russischen Literatur der Jahrhundertwende am Beispiel von Eeben und Werk Innokentij Annenskijs und Vjaceslav Ivanovs, by Alexandra Ioannidou, Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 1996.