1916, Alexander Tairov
staged Innokenty Annensky's tragedy Thamyris Kitharodos,
a poster of which can be seen to the right.
The costumes and sets were
designed by Alexandra Exter.
Tairov wished to present Annensky's play in as stripped down
a version as possible, and his success in doing so came in
no small part from Exter's remarkable cubist set. Tairov arranged
his actors in sculpturally effective poses, akin to those
of a corps de ballet, that harmonized perfectly with the set,
and he had a remarkable Thamyris in the talented Georgian
actor Nikolai Tseretelli (below left).

Exter's sketches for costume designs look extremely
elaborate (below), but, in their execution, they were fairly
simple, barely covering the actors bodies. Although color
photographs are not available to illustrate this, the production
was also notable for its use of complicated colored lighting
called for in the play.

Thamyris Kitharodos 1 2