last decades of the nineteenth century and beginning
of the twentieth witnessed an incredible ferment of
experimentation in the visual arts. Beginning with
a group know as the Wanderers, who gradually broke
from the prevailing academic trends and patronage
reward systems of the Academy in the late 1860s, Russian
visual art became a phenomenon of rapid change and
competing schools. Artists thought and rethought art's
connection to objective reality, art's relation to
everyday life and politics, the artist's relationship
to the work, etc. Primitivism gave way to cubism,
cubism to totally nonobjective Rayonism, non-objectivity
to Suprematism. In fact, such a dialectal view of
movements oversimplifies the rapid-fire shifts, many
of which coexisted or faded in and out of public view.
This level of dynamism did not end until at the least
the beginning of the cultural hegemony of Socialist
Realism imposed by the Communist party during the
early 1930s. Even that movement, however, is best
seen as the last in a series of shifts rather than
a decisive end.