The best starting place for an examination
of Russian twentieth-century visual art is the immediate
nineteenth-century context. Of course, Russian art itself
goes back much further, and a full study would require
careful consideration of the religious tradition of icon
painting (a tradition that was to be resurrected in a
secular context at the beginning of the twentieth century
and by this route play a significant role in Russian modern
art). We would also have to consider the appearance of
Russian secular painting in the 18th century, and the
rise of the "Academy" in the nineteenth century.
For our purposes, however, our survey can
begin with a group of artists who gradually broke from
the prevailing academic trends and patronage reward systems
of the Academy in the late 1860s. Their revolt culminated
with the founding of the Tovarishchestvo peredvizhnikh
khudozhestvennykh vystavok (The Association of Traveling
Art Exhibitions) in 1870-71. The members of the Association
were collectively known as the "peredvizhniki" (usually
translated in English as "the Wanderers"). Among them
were most of the best realist painters whose work came
to dominate the Russian pictorial scene in the last decades
of the 19th century. As opposed to the "Academy" painters,
who favored (classical) historical and religious scenes,
"the Wanderers" painted primarily Russian subjects in
a more or less realistic mode, emphasizing scenes that
could be interpreted to have "progressive" or "democratic"
content. Their interest in specifically Russian national
themes links them with such musicians as Musorgsky, Borodin,
and Rimsky-Korsakov, while their painterly realism
which was based, in theory, on a commitment to painting
from life links their work to that of the great
Russian 19th- century writers like Dostoevsky, Turgenev,
Tolstoy, and Chekhov. The few paintings reproduced here
are typical in both style and execution of the "Wanderer
Portrait of the writer Ivan Turgenev
Portraits of major Russian intellectual figures of
the period were a specialty of many of the wanderers.
This portrait of the writer Ivan Turgenev (1872) is
by Vasily Grigorievich Perov (1833-82). Note the concern
with expressing intense psychology through the portrait. |