Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Poems in this Collection

A Little Bird/Птичка
Coach of Life/Телега жизни
To... (Kern)/К... (Керн)
The Prophet/Пророк
The Poet/Поэт
Upon the Hills of Georgia/На холмах Грузии...
I loved you once.../Я вас любил...
Autumn (excerpt)/Осень (отрывок)
Many more forthcoming. See also the Listening Gallery.

Timeline for A. S. Pushkin

Pushkin's mother
Pushkin's father
Pushkin declaiming verse. Derzhavin stands in awe to the left.
N. N. Goncharova

Born a descendent of ancient noble family and a captive Abyssinian who became a general

Enters the Imperial Lyceum (Tsarskoe Selo) outside Petersburg; meets future poets A. A. Delvig and V. K. Kukhelbeker; develops feel for different poetic genres and language;

At an exam in January, Pushkin publicly declaims "Recollections at Tsarskoe Selo," which synthesizes the styles of G. R. Derzhavin and K. N. Batiushkov (see right). The poem delights Derzhavin, who happens to be visiting the school.

Graduates from the Imperial Lyceum, begins "Petersburg period"

Writes narrative poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"; writes first "Southern poem," the Byronic "A Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Exiled from the capital cities because of the Emperor's dissatisfaction with his conduct and poetry

Publishes second "Southern poem" "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai" (written 1822) and receives 3000 rubles for it, the largest honorarium ever given a writer in Russia up to that point; Writes third Byronic "Southern Poem," "The Gypsies"

Writes drama Boris Godunov

Writes romantic historical epic Poltava

Marries N. N. Goncharova (left) and is trapped at his estate Boldino while cholera rages in the capitols. Finishes his verse novel Eugene Onegin. Writes The Little Tragedies and the prose story collection The Tales of Belkin

Publishes Eugene Onegin, which he had worked on from 1823-31; writes poema The Bronze Horseman; writes historical project History of Pugachev

Finishes historical novel The Captain's Daughter and the travelogue parody Journey to Arzrum

Dies in duel with D'Anthes

Pushkin's great-grandfather, Hannibal, the captive Abyssinian who became the personal servant of Peter I
Pushkin as a child


Pushkin in his 30s


Links to other Pushkin sites

1959 Complete Collected Works (Khod. Lit., M) at Russian Virtual Library. Complete save last 2 vol. of letters (Russian)
Good general site devoted to Pushkin's life and works. E-texts with commentary. Many illustrations (Russian)
Pushkin at Стихия: Лучшая поэзия (Russian)
Excellent entry on Pushkin ( (Russian)
Visit Pushkin's childhood home in Saratov (Russian)
The "All-Russian Pushkin Museum" with links to other Pushkin shrines (Russian)
Pushkin at Friends & Partners. 20 poems in translation. Complete Works in Russian (English/Russian)
Stephany Gould's Pushkin Page (English)
Charles Johnston's Translation of Eugene Onegin (English)
Oliver Elton's translation of The Bronze Horseman (English)
Mikhail Kneller translations of Pushkin's verse (20+) (English)
Alexander Pushkin Page. Large collection of previously-published translations. Links (English)
Edward Bonver's translations of Pushkin's lyric poetry (50+) (English)
Secret Journal 1836-1837. Touted as "the most scandalous book in Russian Literature." Many racy excerpts (English)

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