Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

Poems in this Collection

You walk, and look like me.../Идешь, на меня похожий...
For my poems, written so early.../Моим стихам, написанным так рано...
Go find yourself naive women friends.../Ищи себе доверчивых подруг...
Praise to God/Молитва
Patiently, as one grinds gravel.../Терпеливо, как щебень бьют...
Poets (excerpt)/Поэты (отрывок)
Dialogue between Hamlet and his Conscience /Диалог Гамлета с совестью
Tryst: In a world where everyone.../Свиданье: В мире, где всяк...
Dis-stance: versts, miles.../Рас - стояние: версты, мили...
Conversation with a Genius/Разговор с гением
You who loved me with the falsehood.../Ты, меня любивший фальшью...
To You in a Hundred Years/Тебе - через сто лет
I like that you are sick.../Мне нравится, что вы больны не мной...

Timeline for M. I. Tsvetaeva





Tsvetaeva and Efron







The cover to "Mileposts"











Born in Moscow to father, an art history professor at Moscow University and mother of German-Polish descent who was also a fine pianist

Attends boarding schools in Switzerland and Germany, where mother received treatments for lung problems that eventually killed her in1906

Travels to Paris and studies at Sorbonne

First collection Evening Album appears, an intimate work in a lyrical voice that would characterize the majority of her poetic output. Also showcases her command of syllabatonic verse and inventiveness in both versification and stanza structure

Meets Sergei Efron (see left)

Marries Efron

Second Collection, Magic Lantern, appears

Daughter is born

Publishes From Two Books

Travels from Moscow to Petrograd where she met Kuzmin, Sologub, Esenin, and Mandelstam

Efron joins the White Army and she is stranded

Daughter dies of malnutrition

Publishes Mileposts, a watershed work that contains elements present in nearly all the rest of her poetry cycles: all the works were dated and arranged chronologically, and each cycle sustained a certain theme. Thus, the cycles read like a poetic diary. (see left)

Publishes Mileposts, Book One, Poems to Blok, and Separation which contained her first longer verse narrative "On a Red Steed"

Emigrates to Berlin to join Efron

Lives in Prague

collection published in Berlin

Son Gregory (Georgii) is born, and the family moves to Paris (see right)

Publishes After Russia in Paris after which she begins to dedicate herself to prose, which she writes almost exclusively for the rest of her life

Writes essays "At in the Light of Conscience" and "The Poet and Time"

Efron goes to Republican Spain and then returns to the Soviet Union where he is executed

She returns to Soviet Union where she is ignored, "destitute and helpless" and commits suicide in the town of Elabuga, in the Tatar Autonomous Republic


Marina and her sister
The poet and her beloved son, "Mur" (George's nickname)


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